Crocheted Teddy Bears
Crocheted teddy bears are some of the least expensive teddy bears, if you make them yourself. Yarn is relatively cheap compared to other materials when it comes to making teddy bears. Anyone can learn to crochet, patterns can be downloaded free on the internet, add some yarn, a crochet hook, and your ready to make a teddy bear. Over the years parents who found themselves strapped for money at Christmas, Birthdays, or other Holidays, would crochet teddy bears for their children. The teddy bears were a gift the children appreciated and the parents felt better knowing their children had a present on the special holiday. Today the internet is full of web sites offering crochet patterns for teddy bears. Several teddy bear artist include crocheted teddy bears in their offerings.Since the teddy bear began, teddy bear artists have used their imagination to create teddy bears from cloth, yarn, plaster, plastic, glass, and metal. The crocheted teddy bear can be even more precious to a child when it is created with love.
If you want to make your own crocheted teddy bears, the sites below offer, or have links to sites where you can download patterns.
The web site,, has a few crochet patterns to choose from. An adorable pattern for a teddy bear in bunny clothes is available, as well as, a bear angel ornament, Chenile bear and Little Bear. The site has many crochet patterns. Visit,, and you will find crochet patterns for teddy bears and clothes for teddy bears. At the internet site,, you will find teddy bear patterns. The site,, has a pattern for an sweet 4", crocheted teddy bear.
Sites offering crochet patterns in general, will usually have a pattern or two for teddy bears. If you are not into crocheting your own bear but would like to have, or give, a crocheted bear. The following websites make and sell crocheted teddy bears.
A teddy bear artist specializing in making crocheted teddy bears has a pair of adorable, soft, cuddly, teddy bears for sale at: crocheter, Laurie Jean Karluk, makes and sells croceted clothes for teddy bears at her site, site,, offers unique crocheted teddy bears, including Holiday teddy bears. Links to sites offering crocheted teddy bears can be found at:
Teddy bears have traditionally been our best friend. The teddy bear protects us from the monster under the bed, comforts us when we aren't feeling well, never tells our secrets, knows all of our faults and loves us anyway, is a constant companion, and a participant in all of our adventures. It is a proven fact that teddy bears given to a sick, hurt, or abused children will help them heal. Perhaps just the act of having a warm friend close chases away a feeling of loneliness or helplessness.
No matter what your teddy bear is made of, the fact is, he may be the best friend you will ever have.
Have you hugged your teddy bear today?
Labels: homemade teddy bears, old teddy bears, teddy bears
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